
ATPE - Association of Texas Professional Educators. Anti-union organization of teachers, supervisors, and administrators.

CPUPC – Council of Public University Presidents and Chancellors. The Council is comprised of the chief executive officers of Texas' publicly-supported general academic universities, two Lamar State Colleges and the Lamar Institute of Technology, system offices, and health science centers.

CSOTTE - Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education. CSOTTE is a board comprised of two representatives from each of the participating Texas organizations for teacher education.

SBEC - State Board for Educator Certification. State agency created by Senate Bill 1 in 1995 to oversee all aspects of the preparation, certification, and standards of conduct of public school educators.

TACA - Texas Alternative Certification Association. TACA advocates to keep alternative paths to licensure viable and of high quality.

TACO - Texas Association of Certification Officers. TACO was created to share ideas and common concerns, to provide an organizational framework, to provide a communication network.

TACTE - Texas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Also known as the Council of Deans of Education, TACTE is an organization for deans of education in Texas. It is a state affiliate of AACTE, the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.

TAECTE - Texas Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators. TAECTE is a state affiliate of NAECTE, the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, and provides a forum for consideration of issues and concerns of interest to educators in early childhood settings.

TAHPERD - Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. TAHPERD is a not-for-profit professional association of individuals in the allied fields of health education, physical education, recreation, and dance. It is committed to the development of knowledge and programs that promote active, healthy lifestyles and enhance skilled, aesthetic motor performance.

TCPEA - Texas Council of Professors of Educational Administration. TCPEA is an organization dedicated to promoting the improvement and advancement of educational leadership.

TCTA - Texas Classroom Teachers Association. A teacher organization that advocates for classroom teachers.

TDFE - Texas Directors of Field Experiences. TDFE is made up of the individuals from each campus who place student teachers and pre-service teachers in clinical experiences.

TEA - Texas Education Agency. The state agency responsible for implementing legislation and actions of the State Board of Education.

TECSCU - Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities. TECSCU works to advance and enhance high quality educator preparation within comprehensive public colleges and universities. It is a dean-alike group affiliated with AACTE.

TFT - Texas Federation of Teachers—an affiliate of the AFL-CIO. Texas AFT actively works to better the profession of educators by promoting effective public education policy and laws to help improve the pay and working conditions of our teachers and other education professionals.

TSTA - Texas State Teachers Association. NEA affiliate, their mission is, “The Texas State Teachers Association will unite, organize and empower public education advocates to shape public education in Texas thus providing a quality public school for every child".

TxATE – Texas Association of Teacher Educators. TxATE is a state unit affiliated with the national organization, Association of Teacher Educators (ATE).  The purpose of TxATE is to actively promote high standards for the professional preparation of teachers and in-service development.